PT. ROMAJU Persona Unggul, established based on comprehensive management experience and supported by practitioners who are proficient in their respective fields with the aim of strengthening as well as improving and being able to produce individuals who have passion in carrying out their functions and responsibilities.
We synergize the recruitment, training, process, and individual quality improvement systems to achieve maximum output for your business.
To win in the marketplace, first you must win in the workplace.
To become the best management consultant service company, manpower improvement training, and providing manpower supply based on international standard, with the aim of maximizing effectiveness and improving the quality of manpower in client’s company, supported by strong company managerial basis and continuously moving dynamically and synergy.
Conducting comprehensive development activities continuously, in order to prepare high quality, skillful and reliable human resources
Providing a work system that supports employees to achieve their maximum potential in the company.
Giving the best comprehensive services to improve our client bussiness.
We always carry organizational development values
We always uphold moral to create the best work ethic
Always able to move and adapt in this disrupted world of business
With the aim to maximize your business output, we offer four kinds of solutions that can be implemented into your business with coverage of BPO, MPO, Training and Facility Solutions
PT. ROMAJU Persona Unggul is a specialist who focuses on professional cleaning services and office boy/girl, casual worker services and also offering solutions according to what the client needs. With the motto "VALUE, VIRTUE, VERSATILE", we guarantee the fulfillment of manpower needs and cleaning services for your company.
Cleaning Service and Office Boy & Girl..
As a specialist in providing qualified, skilled and reliable workforce, ROMAJU Persona Unggul is committed to helping maximize your business output. We are ready to be your partner to meet your company's needs for manpower according to the qualifications you need. Providing “The Right Man on the Right Place” with reliable and quality capabilities is our specialty is our goal..
Managed Contact Centre (Inbound/Outbound), Drive Customer Liaison & Engagement, Cross/Upselling & Income Generation, Customer Walk-In Centre/Teller, Learning & Development, Direct Sales, Social Media Care Management, Digital Marketing Services, Contact Centre System on Cloud, IVR Voice BLast and Notification (Live Chat, WA Blast, Bot & CS), CRM Ticketing System, Omni Channel, and Whatsapp Official.
Supported by reliable experts in their fields, each ROMAJU Persona Unggul comes with the right solution and can improve the quality and productivity of employees and is equipped with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) certification. We are ready to be part of the progress of your company.
Inbound & Outbound, Telephony & Consultative Skill, Problem Solving Decision Making, Motivational Training, Coaching & Counceling, Customer Service Exellence, QA Customer Service and Customer Data Analyst.
PT. ROMAJU Persona Unggul is a specialist who focuses on professional cleaning services and office boy/girl, casual worker services and also offering solutions according to what the client needs. With the motto "VALUE, VIRTUE, VERSATILE", we guarantee the fulfillment of manpower needs and cleaning services for your company.
Human Resource Management, High Quality HR Placement, Field Service, Distribution MPO and Turnover Efficiency Program.
Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything for better or for worse.
Maranata RS Abraham is the founder of PT ROMAJU Persona Unggul one of the best Expert Practitioners in the Contact Center, Trainer & Motivator with experience managed Operational Contact Centre more than 30 years and 50+ internal projects at the previous BPO company. Maranata has a National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) certification for Training for Trainers in order to develop human resources to become more competent and efficient for the company.
Experience as a trainer:
Maranata RS Abraham is the founder of PT ROMAJU Persona Unggul one of the best Expert Practitioners in the Contact Center, Trainer & Motivator with experience managed Operational Contact Centre more than 30 years and 50+ internal projects at the previous BPO company. Maranata has a National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) certification for Training for Trainers in order to develop human resources to become more competent and efficient for the company.
Experience as a trainer: